Fake news is not just the practise of the Right

The daily nonsense that economics journalists pump out in search of sales for their newspapers is nothing new and one would think I would be inured to it by now. But I still am amazed how the same old lies are peddled when the empirical world runs counter to the narratives. I know that the research in psychology has found that people save time by using ‘mental shortcuts’ in order to understand the world around them. Propositions that we ride with are rarely scrutinised in depth to test their veracity. Rules of thumb are commonly deployed to navigate the external world. And we are highly influenced by the concept of the ‘expert’ who has a PhD or something and talks a language we don’t really understand but attribute an authority to it. In the field of economics these tendencies are endemic. We are told, for example, that the Ivy league universities in the US or that Oxbridge in the UK, are where the elite of knowledge accumulation resides. So an economist from Harvard carries weight, whereas another economist from some state college somewhere is ignored. And once we start believing something, confirmation bias sets in and we ignore the empirical world and perspectives that differ from our own. The consequences of this capacity to believe things that are simply untrue his one of the reasons our human civilisation is failing and major catastrophes like the LA fires are increasingly being faced.

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Shifts in societal attitudes towards well-being mean that a degrowth strategy does not necessarily have to be political suicide

At the end of World War 2, the Western nations were beset with paranoia about what the USSR might be planning. The West had essentially relied on the Soviet armed forces to defeat the Nazis through their efforts on the Eastern front, after Hitler had launched – Operation Barbarossa – which effectively ended the – Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact – signed in 1939 between Germany and the USSR. Following the War, the ‘spectre of Communism’ drove the Western political leaders to embrace social democracy and introduce policies that created the mass-consuming middle class in most countries, which was seen as a bulwark against the development of a revolutionary working class movement and any further spread of Communism. While the interests of capital hated the welfare state and the rise of trade unions, they saw these developments as a means to protect their hegemony in the new world and the uncertainty that the – Cold War – engendered. Mass consumption was akin to Marx’s claims about religion being the ‘opium of the people’ and it has been a dominant part of life in advanced nations in the Post War period. It is one of the reasons that people think a degrowth strategy can never be embraced by the political class because it would confront a population besotted with material accumulation and consumption. However, research from Japan suggests that a strategy designed to reduce material consumption will not “reduce individual happiness and collective wellbeing” (Source) and a decoupling between growth and human happiness is indeed possible, which means the political class, if they are courageous enough, can introduce policies that promote degrowth.

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Underlying inflation in Australia continues to decline

Today (November 27, 2024), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest – Monthly Consumer Price Index Indicator – for November 2024, which showed that the annual underlying inflation rate, which excludes volatile items continues to fall – from 3.5 per cent to 3.2 per cent. The overall CPI rate (including the volatile items) rose slightly from 2.1 per cent to 2.3 per cent, but that was mostly due to the timing of government electricity rebates between October and November. In other words, the slight rise cannot be interpreted as signalling a renewed inflationary spiral is underway. All the indicators are suggesting inflation is declining and the major drivers are abating. The overall rate has been at the lower end of the RBA’s inflation targetting range (2 to 3 per cent) for four successive months now, yet the RBA continues to claim they fear a wages breakout and that unemployment needs to increase. The RBA has gone rogue and its public statements bear little relationship with reality. It is clear that the residual inflationary drivers are not the result of excess demand but rather reflect transitory factors like weather events, institutionally-driven price adjustments (such as indexation arrangements), and abuse of anti-competitive, corporate power. The general conclusion is that the global factors that drove the inflationary pressures have largely resolved and that the outlook for inflation is for continued decline. There is also evidence that the RBA has caused some of the persistence in the inflation rate through the impact of the interest rate hikes on business costs and rental accommodation.

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Bank of Japan research refutes the main predictions made by economists about the impacts of large bond-buying programs

Welcome to 2025. My blog recorded its 20th year of existence on December 24, 2024 which I suppose is something to celebrate. But when I look out the window and try to find optimism I fail. Who knows what the year holds and global uncertainty is dominating the narratives surrounding economic developments. We have a crazy guy about to take over the US along with his band of crazy guys. Government coalitions are failing all over the place and international cooperation is giving way to nationalism. We have Israel still slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians using the equipment made available by the US and other advanced nations. Apparently opposing that slaughter makes one anti-semitic. I could go on. Those observations will clearly condition my thinking in the next year. But today, I am catching up on past work. On November 29, 2024, the Bank of Japan published a research paper – (論文)「量的・質的金融緩和」導入以降の政策効果の計測 ― マクロ経済モデルQ-JEMを用いた経済・物価への政策効果の検証 (which translates to “Measuring the effects of the “Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing” policy since its introduction: Examining the effects of the policy on the economy and prices using the macroeconomic model Q-JEM” – the paper is only available in Japanese). The research uses innovative statistical techniques to assess the impact of the low interest rate, large bond-buying strategy deployed by the Bank of Japan between 2013 and 2023. The Bank of Japan research refutes the main predictions made by economists about the impacts of large bond-buying programs.

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The Japanese government is investing heavily in high productivity sectors and revitalising regions in the process

Last week I noted in my review of the Australian government’s Mid-Year Economic and Financial Outlook (MYEFO) – Australian government announces a small shift in the fiscal deficit and it was if the sky was falling in (December 19., 2024) – that the forward estimates were suggesting the federal government’s fiscal deficit would be 1 per cent of GDP in 2024-25, rising to 1.6 per cent in 2025-26 before falling back to 1 per cent in 2027-28. The average fiscal outcome since 1970-71 has been a deficit of 1 per cent of GDP. I noted that the media went crazy when these estimates were released – ‘deficits as long as the eye can see’ sort of headlines emerged. It was fascinating to see how far divorced from reality the understandings in Australia are of these matters. Meanwhile, the RBA keeps claiming that productivity is the problem and the reason they are maintaining ridiculously high interest rates even though inflation has fallen back to low levels. My advice to all these characters is to take a little trip to Hokkaido (Japan) and see what nation building is all about. The Japanese government has already invested ¥3.9 trillion for semiconductor industry development since 2021 (that is, 0.7 per cent of GDP) and the Ishiba government recently announced a further ¥10 trillion (1.7 per cent of GDP). Meanwhile, the overall deficit is around 4.5 per cent of GDP and no-one really blinks an eyelid. The Japanese government is investing heavily in high productivity sectors and revitalising regions in the process.

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Australian government announces a small shift in the fiscal deficit and it was if the sky was falling in

Yesterday (December 19, 2024), the Australian government published their so-called – Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2024-25 (MYEFO) – which basically provides an updated set of projections and statuses of the fiscal position six months after the major fiscal statement was released in May. One would have thought the sky was falling in given the press coverage in the last 24 hours. The standard of media commentary in Australia on fiscal matters is beyond the pail.

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The assessment that Greece has been an ‘astonishing success’ beggars belief

Today, I consider the Greek situation, the decision by the UK Chancellor to further deregulate the financial services sector and then to calm everyone down or not, some music. The Financial Times published an article (December 12, 2024) – The astonishing success of Eurozone bailouts – which basically redefines the meaning of English words like ‘success’. Apparently, Greece is now a successful economy and that success is due to the Troika bailouts in 2015 and the imposition of harsh austerity. The data, unfortunately, doesn’t support that assessment. Yes, there is economic growth, albeit from a very low base. But other indicators reveal a parlous state of affairs. At least, this blog post finishes on a high note. Please note there will be no post tomorrow (Wednesday) as I am travelling all day. I will resume on Thursday.

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Australian labour market – stronger than October but some statistical artifacts involved

Last Thursday (November 12, 2024), the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the latest – Labour Force, Australia – for November 2024. I was unable to get the data in time due to where I was when it was released so I held over my. usual report until today. The latest data release shows that employment rose in net terms by 35,600 (+0.2 per cent) reversing the weakness that was recorded in October. With the participation rate falling by 0.1 points, the combination of growing employment and shrinking labour force saw unemployment decline by 27,000 and the rate fall by 0.2 points to 3.9 per cent. There was zero growth in monthly hours worked, which was surprising given the strength in full-time employment growth and the declining part-time employment. The improved overall employment growth in November after a fairly weak period in October was, in part, explained by the ABS “In November we saw a higher than usual number of people moving into employment who were unemployed and waiting to start work in October. This contributed to the rise in employment and fall in unemployment.” Underemployment fell by 0.1 point and the overall labour underutilisation rate (the sum of unemployed and underemployed) fell to 10 per cent overall. The mainstream commentators try to equate that level of wastage to a state of full employment but it just makes a mockery of the concept.

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