What is the purpose of fiscal policy? Don’t ask Rachel Reeves!

It’s been a week of grand fiscal statements. Tuesday, it was for Australia as I discussed yesterday – Australian fiscal statement – rising unemployment amidst a moderate fiscal contraction (March 26, 2025). Then yesterday in the UK, the Labour Chancellor delivered the British Government’s – Spring Statement 2025. Both statements come at a time when the mainstream economics consensus is shifting with the US pushing protection and defunding many global initiatives. And, one of the statements was in the context of an impending federal election (Australia) and from a government that is in danger of losing that election to a bunch of populist Trump-copiers. And the content reflected that. The UK Statement was from a Government currently in no danger of losing office but which is progressively entrapping itself in its hubris and fiscal rules. An interesting juxtaposition. Anyway, the British Chancellor has lost all understanding of what the purpose of fiscal policy is. What is the purpose of fiscal policy? Don’t ask Rachel Reeves!

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Australian fiscal statement – rising unemployment amidst a moderate fiscal contraction

Last night (March 25, 2025), the Australian government delivered the latest fiscal statement for 2025-26 (aka – The Budget – and, in doing so tried to win renewed electoral appeal given its waning popularity and a national election that has to be held in the next 6 or so weeks. So it offered the tax cuts and other inducements to the voters. But the underlying tenor of the fiscal position is unsustainable not because it is predicting on-going fiscal deficits out to 2028-29 but because those deficits will be too small relative to other trends that are likely to occur (external sector and household consumption spending). While the commentariat has been in conniptions about ‘eye watering red ink’ for a far as we can see (their eyes are poor), the fact is that the projected fiscal deficit is about the average level since 1970-71. But in the current environment, the forecasted government contraction will damage the economy and push unemployment up further than they are forecasting. Sure enough, the Government handed out some dollops of cost-of-living relief to low-income families – a few pennies in the scheme of things and that will probably help them retain votes. But with all the challenges ahead now is not the time to be in contractionary mode. Winning the election is one thing, but neglecting a host of existential matters in the medium term is not the way to go.

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The Far Right opposition to the euro in Germany has nothing to do with MMT

Edward Elgar, my sometime publisher, is interested in me updating my 2015 book – Eurozone Dystopia: Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale (published May 2015). I have held them off for a few years because there have been notable developments such as Brexit, COVID-19, and more since I finished that work, which are still playing out and difficult to disentangle in such a way that definitive analysis can be made. One of the striking things about Europe, from my perspective, is that voters appear to have separated the growing economic stagnation and the insecurity it brings from their view of the euro as a currency. The most recent – Standard Eurobarometer Survey 102 (conducted in November 2024) – conducted by the EU itself, “has registered the highest support ever for the common currency, both in the EU as a whole (74%) and in the euro area (81%)”. (85 per cent support in Germany and 76 per cent in France). Given the circumstances that is a pretty stunning result. And more respondents thought the EU economy was ‘good’ than those who thought it was ‘bad’, although in Germany and France, the outlook in that regard is highly pessimistic (40 per cent good Germany, 29 per cent France). Yet, the Far Right party in Germany – Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) – which as a result of the national election on February 25, 2025 gained the second highest number of votes (20.8 per cent of total) and improved its voting outcome by a staggering 10.4 per cent. Interestingly, from my perspective, AfD is now the leading voice in Europe against the euro, while other Far Rights voices are no longer (Rassemblement National) or never have (Fratelli) advocated abandoning the euro in favour of a return to national currency sovereignty. So while most Germans like the euro, more are voting for AfD who want it scrapped. That tension is what I am researching at the moment among other things.

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Australian labour market deteriorates – employment and participation fall, underlying unemployment rate is 4.7 rather than 4.1 per cent

Today (March 20, 2025), the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the latest – Labour Force, Australia – for February 2025. The contraction in overall employment growth, the participation rate, and the employment-population ratio are all signs of a deteriorating situation. Unemployment always lags behind the employment dynamics because of the participation rate movements, which means that the situation is worse than the unemployment rate signals. The official unemployment rate was a steady 4.1 per cent but if we adjust for the changing participation then the underlying rate is about 4.7 per cent. That means that the 97.5 thousand LESS workers in the labour force due to the falling participation have entered the ranks of the hidden unemployed. We should also not disregard the fact that there is still 9.9 per cent of the working age population (around 1.5 million people) who are available and willing but cannot find enough work – either unemployed or underemployed and that proportion is increasing. Australia is not near full employment despite the claims by the mainstream commentators and it is hard to characterise this as a ‘tight’ labour market.

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Episode 12 (S2) of the Smith Family Manga is now available – Mrs Boff is called in!

Today (March 14, 2025), MMTed releases Episode 12 in the Second Season of our Manga series – The Smith Family and their Adventures with Money. This is the final episode in Season 2. There is a lot going on in the community at present with an election approaching and the government in crisis over its deliberate recession. Have a bit of fun with it while learning Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and circulate it to those who you think will benefit. Season 3 will begin on May 23, 2025 and there will be some shocking developments revealed.

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Tariffs and more – Part 1

This week, Australia learned that old geopolitical relationships and so-called ‘free trade’ treaties mean little when it comes to US policy. The obsequious way our political class fawns after the US has been a constant sickening element of our national identity for as long as I can recall. When I was a child, we were told by our Prime Minister that Australia was “all the way with LBJ”, a foreign policy that took out nation, against all reason, into the Vietnam War. Now, the US President is demonstrating why a reliance on the US as a ‘good citizen’ of the world is a poor strategy for an advanced nation to adopt. The other interesting aspect of what is going on is that the world is once again entering an experiment that will provide knowledge about the impacts of ripping up free trade agreements and increasing barriers to entry. Theorising is one thing but now we have a practical experiment underway. This is Part 1 of a series on the current debate about tariffs.

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Industrial disputation remains at record lows in Australia – the complete victory of capital over the working class

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest data today (March 12, 2025) on – Industrial Disputes, Australia – which covers the December-quarter 2024. The data shows that there was a slight decline in the number of industrial disputes over the last 12 months, although the number of working days lost rose significantly (by 15.4 per cent in the quarter). However, disputation remains at record lows. That fact is one of the success stories of neoliberalism and the way that the interests of Capital have co-opted government to ensure the income distribution was shifted back in favour of profits at the expense of wages. There are all sorts of explanations given to explain the low real wages growth in Australia over the last few decades and all try to sheet home the blame to global factors or demographic shifts. But the fact remains that there was concerted action by government under pressure from the employer groups to introduce legislation and regulation that undermined the capacity of the trade unions to pursue action in the interests of their members. That action was very successful from the perspective of capital and devastating to workers. Today’s blog post is really just a set of notes about the trends shown in this data.

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Five years into a pandemic and fiscal fictions have left space for nonsense to propagate

Life expectancy has fallen since Covid in almost every country although the policy response has been exactly the opposite to what should be expected. We now have the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services advocating ‘personal choice’ in vaccine take up while he recommended Vitamin A to deal with a spreading measles outbreak in Texas. Decades of science is being disregarded in favour of ideology. We are now five years into the Covid pandemic and the data suggests that the costs of our disregard will accumulate over time as more people die, become permanently disabled and lose their capacity to work. We also know that the ‘costs’ of the pandemic have been (and will be) borne by the more disadvantaged citizens in the community. I was talking to a medical doctor the other day in a social environment and I learned something new – that in Australia, there is a difficult process that one has to go through to get access to the ‘free’ (on the National Health list) anti-viral drugs if one gets Covid. However, if you have $A1,000 handy, you can ring your GP up and get an instant prescription for the same drugs and avoid all the hassle, which has reduced access significantly for lower income households. Another example of how fiscal fiction (governments haven’t enough money) favour the high income cohorts.

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British government spending cuts will probably increase the fiscal deficit and make the ‘non negotiable’ fiscal rules impossible to achieve

The British press are reporting that the Government there is planning further spending cuts of the order of billions of pounds because the economic environment has changed and the current fiscal trajectory is threatening their self-imposed fiscal rules thresholds. We already heard last week how the Government is significantly cutting Overseas Aid as it ramps up military expenditure. Now, it is reported that billions will be cut from the welfare area and the justification being used is that there is widespread rorting of that system by welfare cheats. There are several points to make. First, getting rid of rorting is desirable. But I have seen no credible research that suggests such skiving is of a scale sufficient to justify cutting billions out of welfare outlays. Second, quite apart from that question, the micro attack on the welfare outlays have macroeconomic consequences. The British Office of Budget Responsibility estimates that the output gap is close to zero which means it is claiming there is full employment. Even if that is true, that state is underpinned by the current level of government spending (whether it is on cheats or not). If the spending cuts that are targetting rorting are not replaced by spending elsewhere then a recession will occur and the Government will surely fail to achieve its ‘non negotiable’ fiscal rule targets. It is a mess of their own making.

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