The assessment that Greece has been an ‘astonishing success’ beggars belief

Today, I consider the Greek situation, the decision by the UK Chancellor to further deregulate the financial services sector and then to calm everyone down or not, some music. The Financial Times published an article (December 12, 2024) – The astonishing success of Eurozone bailouts – which basically redefines the meaning of English words like ‘success’. Apparently, Greece is now a successful economy and that success is due to the Troika bailouts in 2015 and the imposition of harsh austerity. The data, unfortunately, doesn’t support that assessment. Yes, there is economic growth, albeit from a very low base. But other indicators reveal a parlous state of affairs. At least, this blog post finishes on a high note. Please note there will be no post tomorrow (Wednesday) as I am travelling all day. I will resume on Thursday.

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