The demise of trade unions as a countervailing power to civilise Capitalism
One of the striking characteristics of the neoliberal era has been the dramatic decline in trade union membership across the world. The decline has also been associated with depressed wages growth for workers overall, increased income inequality, reduced job security, and the rising domination of the ‘gig’ job phenomena. Related trends include rising household indebtedness (as wage suppression has led to use of credit to maintain consumption levels) and reduced housing affordability, etc. Today (December 9, 2024), the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest edition of biannual – Trade union membership – for August 2024 (the latest data available), which shows that trade union membership has grown from 12.5 per cent in August 2022 to 13.1 per cent now. But that modest rise doesn’t hide the fact that trade unions are no longer serving the role as a – Countervailing power – in the labour market. The decline has many drivers and many consequences and I consider that topic a bit in this post.