More misery and dysfunction coming for France – as the fiscal rules bite

For all those Europhile progressives who have held out that reform is the way to deal with the neoliberalism of the European Union and even, in some cases, claimed that the austerity mindset was over (once the fiscal rules enshrined in the Stability and Growth Pact were temporarily suspended during the pandemic), the behaviour of the French government should wake them out of their delusional reverie. The new Prime Minister addressed the National Assembly last week and outlined a new fiscal direction involving significant expenditure cuts and tax hikes. His plan will not satisfy the European Commission, however, who under the Excessive Deficit Protocol (EDP) have indicated they want a faster transition back to the fiscal rule thresholds (that is, even harsher austerity than Barnier is proposing). This policy shift is in the context of an elevated unemployment rate (which is rising) and an already significant output gap. The austerity is likely to push the unemployment rate towards 9 per cent (around) and will be a disaster for the prosperity of the French people who are still enduring the cost-of-living fallout from the pandemic and the Russian-Ukraine situation. Add in the possible impacts of the Middle East crisis and we have a failed state. Once again the fiscal rules defined within the EMU architecture are going to deliver shocking outcomes.

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