A short video to keep things humming

There will be no detailed blog today as I am travelling to Finland for the best part of today. I have posted a short video (23 minutes) of a talk I gave in July to a political group in the Blue Mountains. I have only just received it. The main blog will be back on Thursday.

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Monday travel and some austerity stories

There is no detailed blog today as I am travelling from Brussels to Sydney. I will resurface again on Tuesday after the long flight. When I wrote my blog on Friday documenting the austerity tour around Porto I forgot to mention a few things. This blog adds some more observations I have made of conditions in this part of the world at present.

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Travelling – back to typing Thursday

There will be no detailed blog today as I am in the midst of inter-contintental travel, which is one of those terms from the C19th that sounds exotic but is in reality pretty awful. Somewhere in the next 24 hours I will surface and start typing again. A new blog will appear Thursday sometime. But while I am gone you can listen to some music, if you like.

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Eurozone Dystopia – Groupthink and Denial on a Grand Scale – Early peek

Edward Elgar, who is publishing the English language version of the book – to be released in May 2015, sent me the proposed front and back covers for approval last night. You can guess what colours I like. Here they are for your (possible) interest and so you will easily recognise it when you go to the bookshop :-). Whether the German and Italian editions, which are currently in the process of translation, have the same cover will depend on whether EE will give me the rights. But it is likely that the graphic will be the same because I have the rights to that. Anyway, just three pictures in this blog.

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Admin note: Server Change

To all readers of my blog – I have just changed the Virtual Machine that I run my blog off and it now seems to be working fine. If you encounter any problems please let me know. The address remains the same (although soon I will be altering that to be www.billmitchell.org/blog but for now…
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