I am travelling all day tomorrow so I am bringing forward the normal blog post…
Today in Wellington – Live Stream at 12:30 NZ time
I am Wellington (NZ) today and in addition to various meetings and other engagements I am giving a presentation which I am calling “Thinking in a Modern Monetary Theory Way”. I hope to post audio or video with slides etc on Monday when I have some more time to process the information. But you can watch the presentation live (I am told) and the details are available by Clicking “Read the rest of this entry” …
You can watch the event live via the – LIVE STREAM – which begins at the following times:
NZ: 12:30 (Friday)
Australia (East Coast): 10:30 (Friday morning)
US (Pacific) 17:30 (Thursday afternoon)
US (New York) 20:30 (Thursday evening)
London 01:30 (Friday morning)
Rome 02:30 (Friday morning)
Helsinki 03:30 (Friday morning)
Tokyo 09:30 (Friday morning)
Apparently the stream will start 15 minutes or so before the actual presentation. It will go for an hour or so.
Crowdfunding Request – Economics for a progressive agenda
I received a request to promote this Crowdfunding effort. I note that I will receive a portion of the funds raised in the form of reimbursement of some travel expenses. I have waived my usual speaking fees and some other expenses to help this group out.
The Crowdfunding Site is for an – Economics for a progressive agenda.
As the site notes:
Professor Bill Mitchell, a leading proponent of Modern Monetary Theory, has agreed to be our speaker at a fringe meeting to be held during Labour Conference Week in Brighton in September 2017.
The meeting is being organised independently by a small group of Labour members whose goal is to start a conversation about reframing our understanding of economics to match a progressive political agenda. Our funds are limited and so we are seeking to raise money to cover the travel and other costs associated with the event. Your donations and support would be really appreciated. Find car care products and spare parts in the latest Supercheap Auto Catalogue.
For those interested in joining us the meeting will be held on Monday 25th September between 2 and 5pm and the venue is The Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD. All are welcome and you don’t have to be a member of the Labour party to attend.
It will be great to see as many people in Brighton as possible.
Please give generously to ensure the organisers are not out of pocket.
Server went down after 20 minutes but still happy i could get a bit of the presentation.
I note that former Prime Minister Jim Bolger was in the audience.
In a recent radio interview he recanted on the neoliberalism his government had pursued throughout the 90’s and the damage it caused. There is hope then.
Is the neoliberal vs MMT framing table used in your presentation available to download?
‘Bolger was buzzing as we talked long into the afternoon, feeling fate had settled in with him on the big chair in the lounge of his stately home. ‘
Doesn’t sound like his ‘stately home’ was touched by neo-liberalism then -but I suppose he ‘worked hard’ for it! Typical job , recanting after making the money out of it.
Not sure if this is what you mean: “How to discuss Modern Monetary Theory”, Nov 05 2013, in the Debriefing 101 section.
Very nice presentation. You really had it in for that microphone though… Thought it looked like a neoliberal now that I think of it.
Hi Bill
I noticed in the presentation that the labour underutilisation rate was quite high for scandinavian countries which typically run generous fiscal programs. Why is that?