The record needs breaking very soon!

Apparently, the US government has just announced that their budget deficit is the largest in absolute terms. Given that the US makes a net gain of one person every 16 seconds, I guess they recorded a record population today as well. Nine records were also set yesterday by junior athletes at the annual sport’s carnival held by the Charlestown Secondary School (Nevis, US). The latter are certainly more interesting and have more relevance for the health of the community. The fact is that the budget outcome is like a score at a sport’s game. Imagine if the cricket authorities decided to place a limit of how many runs a team could score in the current World Cup. You wouldn’t have much of a game. And then they decided to become austere about it and cut the available runs! Just like the runs on the scoreboard, the budget numbers (dollars) can be whatever it takes. The record deficit is not going to stop any game. The fact is that with the extent of idle capacity that you witness in the US, the record needs breaking again very soon!

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Australian labour market – mixed signals – but subdued overall

Today the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the Labour Force data for February 2011 which sends mixed signals. Overall, my interpretation of the data is that the labour market is fairly subdued at present. Today’s data shows that employment growth was negative (but there is probably some flood impact in that figure). Participation fell which took the pressure off unemployment so the unemployment rate was steady. The positive news is that full-time employment growth was stronger and total hours worked rose in February (leading to a modest decline in underemployment). While some of the parrots in the bank economist ranks are already predicting an interest rate rise to combat some “imaginary” inflation threat, today’s data would not support a change in monetary policy in the coming months. The related data (sharp drop in housing finance) reinforces the view that there is no inflation threat building. The data tells me that exactly the opposite is the case. There is still plenty of slack in the Australian labour market and employment growth is doing nothing to mop it up. Its not my opinion – just take a look at the data! The signals are mixed today but you will not see me smiling!

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Right for wrong reason equals wrong

I read two articles in the last few days which tell me that the bond market traders generally do not understand the intrinsic characteristics of the monetary system and that IMF economists have even less of a clue. The bond traders attribute to themselves an air of importance that it not a reflection of their real role in the monetary system. However, my own profession continues to disgrace itself and is nothing more than a propaganda machine. The mainstream economists are too stupid to realise that their models and frameworks do not explain anything that we are interested in. But such is their position of dominance in the policy space that their neo-liberal grandstanding is given credit. It is embarrassing but worse it is dangerous. Anyway, sometimes a journalist comes to the correct conclusion but for the wrong reasons. While the conclusion is correct, the erroneous reasoning does as much damage by way of misinformation than if the overall conclusion was also wrong. It is a case of being right for wrong reason equals wrong.

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Government deficits are the norm

I suppose I had to respond to this atrocious piece of deception pedalled by the New York Times (March 5, 2011) as an “Economic View”. The article – It’s Time to Face the Fiscal Illusion – is not economics. It is a religious diatribe with strays into lies and deception. The reality is that mainstream economics has learned nothing from the crisis that has left their key intellectual propositions being exposed as vacuous nonsense. The inability of my profession to move on and embrace the challenge that an alternative theoretical structure is more relevant is sad. Instead the same old mantra based on theories that have no empirical basis are being wheeled out – the same theories that pressured policy makers to create the conditions which ended in the crisis. In relation to today’s blog we should understand that government deficits are the norm and they generally never pay back their debt (overall).

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Saturday Quiz – March 5, 2011 – answers and discussion

Here are the answers with discussion for yesterday’s quiz. The information provided should help you work out why you missed a question or three! If you haven’t already done the Quiz from yesterday then have a go at it before you read the answers. I hope this helps you develop an understanding of modern monetary theory (MMT) and its application to macroeconomic thinking. Comments as usual welcome, especially if I have made an error.

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There are no better or worse deficits

I have been travelling today and so haven’t had much time outside of my commitments. But I did read some truly astounding articles today. As the conservatives take control of the political processes in the advanced nations they are revising history faster than we can read about it. Meanwhile they use the TINA claim to implement policies that damage the well-being of the average citizen and set up dynamics that will manifest as the next crisis. And we say we like it – because we have been bluffed into the TINA lie. The fact that the public believe all the conservative dogma and go along with it astounds me. Economics is not that hard. If no one is spending then output will fall and unemployment will rise. But somehow the public believes the opposite. They have been conditioned to believe that a rising (large!) budget deficit is bad and a falling (small!) deficit is good. The reality is that there are no better or worse deficits.

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The economics profession is a disgrace

It is funny being part of a profession which doesn’t deserve to exist in its current form. The fact is that I might have better helped the world if I was an anthropologist or perhaps just stayed being a professional musician. My profession is a total disgrace and our arrogance leaves us blind to reality. The latest survey by the National Association for Business Economics reinforces how far removed from reality my profession is. They think the most pressing problem in the US at the moment is the deficit and the public debt and downplay the importance of the entrenched unemployment. When pressed to explain this crazy set of priorities they invent a fantastic (as in fantasy) narrative about the dangers of deficits (which are?) and emphasise that unemployment is largely a voluntary choice by the individuals involved. The academic members of the profession teach their students this nonsense. They talk about the virtues of efficiency but ignore the huge losses that arise from unemployment. The reality is that the economics profession is a disgrace.

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