Biocapacity constraints and full employment – Part 1

This week, the Australian government (Labor) did the unthinkable. It approved three thermal coal mine expansions in NSW – the Environment Minister approved the expansion of the Whitehaven Coal mine until 2044, the Mount Pleasant mine until 2048 and the Ravensworth mine until 2032. For a government that claims to hold superior ‘green’ credentials to the main opposition this was a major disappointment and once again demonstrated that the lobbying power of foreign-owned capital, which is only chasing massive profits and care little about the well-being of the environment or its workers, is dominant in public decision-making. It brings into question whether there is a solution to the environmental crisis (the 1.7 times biological capacity problem) while resource allocation remains determined by those seeking private profit, who reluctantly bow to regulative constraints, while continually trying to get around them. In this blog post, the first of a few, I provide some insights drawn from my current research that will come out in my next book (with Dr Louisa Connors) on degrowth and related topics. The question that has to be answered is whether the solution to a sustainable future includes maintaining the capitalist system. Today, I talk about how capacity constraints may prevent full employment from being possible and extend that analysis to the current context where environmental capacity is more important than productive capacity.

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