More economists are now criticising the British government’s fiscal rules – including those who influenced their design

There is renewed debate in Britain at present on the use and design of the new government’s fiscal rules, which many people are now saying will force expenditure cuts which will “damage the ‘foundations of the economy”, according to the Financial Times article (September 16, 2024) – UK spending cuts would damage ‘foundations of the economy’, Reeves told. Those reported ‘telling’ Reeves include British economists, who were instrumental in the design of the rules that the new Chancellor has taken on and deemed necessary to rigidly control government spending. The economists claim that if Reeves continues to operate according to the fiscal rule “inherited by the Labour government” it will cut public investment expenditure significantly and undermine prosperity. I agree that the application of the ‘Fiscal Rules’ will be damaging but I find it amusing that some of the ‘Letter Writing Economists’ were prominent in advocating such rules in the past as the way ahead for British Labour are now criticising those rules.

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