Treasurer-central bank stoush – a case of the pot calling the kettle black

The Reserve Bank of Australia has certainly attracted headlines this last week or so starting with the claim by the Federal Treasurer that the monetary policy stance is “smashing the economy” (Source), while a past Labor Treasurer and now Labour Party National President (Wayne Swan) was much more openly critical of the RBA conduct over the last few years. Things then came to a point when the new RBA governor gave a speech the day (September 5, 2024), the day after the National Accounts came out with the news that the GDP growth rate had slumped to 0.2 per cent for the June-quarter (well below trend), and told her audience (a Foundation that “supports research into adolescent depression and suicide”) that around 5 per cent of mortgage holders were falling behind payments and many would “ultimately make the difficult decision to sell their homes” (Source) as they would be forced into default. Meanwhile, the conservatives (and economists) have claimed the Government is impugning the ‘independence’ of the RBA. It is a case of – The pot calling the kettle black – and demonstrates how ridiculous the policy debate has become in this latter years of the neoliberal era.

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