Travel takes over blog
I will not be able to write a blog today as I am travelling. I will be back in Australia early Wednesday.
Where is Bill now?
In case you are wondering what is going on with my blog today you might care to read the following.
Where is Bill?
In case you are wondering what is going on with my blog today you might care to read the following.
Elaborate escape plan interrupts blog
I have been in the Lands of Austerity for the last 12 days or so and decided I had to devise an elaborate escape plan which would get me out of here. I needed to avoid ECB/IMF/EU officials who might be watching borders in an effort to repress freedom. Anyway, I have come up with a plan.
Travel interrupts blog
No blog today as I am travelling to the lands of austerity. Normal service will resume on Tuesday.
Major changes to blog
I have changed the look of and some of the underlying architecture supporting my blog. I had my reasons.
Where’s bill – 15/10?
I am leaving London tonight just as the Australian dollar hits parity with the USD (although it has now come off again).