Industrial disputation remains at record lows in Australia – the complete victory of capital over the working class

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest data today (March 12, 2025) on – Industrial Disputes, Australia – which covers the December-quarter 2024. The data shows that there was a slight decline in the number of industrial disputes over the last 12 months, although the number of working days lost rose significantly (by 15.4 per cent in the quarter). However, disputation remains at record lows. That fact is one of the success stories of neoliberalism and the way that the interests of Capital have co-opted government to ensure the income distribution was shifted back in favour of profits at the expense of wages. There are all sorts of explanations given to explain the low real wages growth in Australia over the last few decades and all try to sheet home the blame to global factors or demographic shifts. But the fact remains that there was concerted action by government under pressure from the employer groups to introduce legislation and regulation that undermined the capacity of the trade unions to pursue action in the interests of their members. That action was very successful from the perspective of capital and devastating to workers. Today’s blog post is really just a set of notes about the trends shown in this data.

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