Bank of Japan research refutes the main predictions made by economists about the impacts of large bond-buying programs
Welcome to 2025. My blog recorded its 20th year of existence on December 24, 2024 which I suppose is something to celebrate. But when I look out the window and try to find optimism I fail. Who knows what the year holds and global uncertainty is dominating the narratives surrounding economic developments. We have a crazy guy about to take over the US along with his band of crazy guys. Government coalitions are failing all over the place and international cooperation is giving way to nationalism. We have Israel still slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent civilians using the equipment made available by the US and other advanced nations. Apparently opposing that slaughter makes one anti-semitic. I could go on. Those observations will clearly condition my thinking in the next year. But today, I am catching up on past work. On November 29, 2024, the Bank of Japan published a research paper – (論文)「量的・質的金融緩和」導入以降の政策効果の計測 ― マクロ経済モデルQ-JEMを用いた経済・物価への政策効果の検証 (which translates to “Measuring the effects of the “Quantitative and Qualitative Monetary Easing” policy since its introduction: Examining the effects of the policy on the economy and prices using the macroeconomic model Q-JEM” – the paper is only available in Japanese). The research uses innovative statistical techniques to assess the impact of the low interest rate, large bond-buying strategy deployed by the Bank of Japan between 2013 and 2023. The Bank of Japan research refutes the main predictions made by economists about the impacts of large bond-buying programs.