Australian industry employment trends and fiscal stimulus

I am continually distracted by the daily entertainment from Europe – who could have written such a script? – bumbling from one disastrous “solution” to another, accusing each other of various sins, trying to rope Britain into their incompetence (although the latter doesn’t need any help in that department) etc. But the comedy ends as soon as the human element is considered. How long the citizens will remain docile is the big question. I had an interesting meeting the other day about a joint research project I am becoming involved in which will encompass that sort of enquiry including what has happened to the “left”. Anyway, today’s blog is a bit more pedestrian. I have been asked a lot recently by journalists and radio interviewers about the flat employment growth in Australia at present in the context of our so-called “once-in-a-hundred-years” mining boom. The mining industry has been so successful at self-promotion that people forget it only accounts for 2.1 per cent of total employment (a minuscule proportion). Anyway, the ABS released the detailed quarterly employment data for November 2011 yesterday which contains industry breakdowns. So I went digging this morning to bring my analysis up to date. Lesson: fiscal stimulus works and the Australia labour market is changing.

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