Polly wants a cracker

If you watch the 1937 cartoon – I Wanna Be a Sailor – it doesn’t take much imagination to think of the first two young parrots on the perch who are being taught their “skills” by a somewhat vexed mother parrot to be mainstream economists and the financial commentators who parrot these economists. Repeat after me: Polly wants a cracker – the Budget deficit is on an unsustainable trajectory – Polly wants a cracker – there is a mountain of public debt that threatens America’s future – Polly wants a cracker. If only these economists would take the lead of the third little parrot being coached by his mother. When he is exhorted to recite the mindless mantra that is expected of him he says “I don’t want a cracker see, I wanna be a sailor like my pop … see” … we need more commentators who will ask the right questions – challenge the politicians and their lackeys to explain what they mean rather than talk as if it is too complex for us to comprehend. It is not complex at all – spending equals income – if the private sector goes on holiday the public sector better be around town. If the private sector stays on holidays – the public deficit will persist. Otherwise – recession occurs and unemployment increases. The problem is that the mainstream commentators and the economists that provide them with the copy haven’t got off the perch yet and recite the same mindless stuff day-in, day-out. Polly wants a cracker.

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