Misusing public information

This blog is about right-wing distortion of evidence and how opinion formation in the US appears to be, as expected, inconsistent and ill-informed. The US President brought down his 2012 Budget yesterday and as expected he promised very large public spending cuts at a time when the US economy cannot afford them. In doing so, the President was bowing to the extremist conservative views that get all the airplay and column inches in the mainstream media in the US. Fox News pumps this extremism out all day every day. But if you sought to understand what the “main street” American actually thought about deficits you might be surprised. The New York Times and CBS sponsor a regular poll and recently they delved into the issue of budget deficits. One right-wing journalist actually had the audacity to use this Poll as a vehicle for her claim that even larger cuts are required to balance the budget. It is easy to show how she misused this public information.

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