Its all booming down here folks!

Whichever way the dice tumbles, the deficit terrorists are ready to rehearse their diatribes. In many countries, they couldn’t even wait for growth to return before they started calling for “credible exit plans” and “austerity measures” to “get the ballooning deficits and dangerous debt spirals under control”. The lexicon of doom terminology expanded over the course of 2009 and continues to grow into the new year. Cutting back a fiscal stimulus when the rest of the economy is going backwards is the advice that only a person who has no appreciation of macroeconomics would give. But they have also been at it in Australia which surfed the downturn thanks to an early and significant fiscal stimulus. Here the talk is now along the lines of the “mother of all booms coming”, “overheated housing markets”, “white hot labour markets” and pressure is mounting for a tough May budget and further rises in interest rates. Over-inflated predictions one day are continually shown to be without credibility by the data releases the next day, but by this time the so-called experts have moved on to the next impending data release predicting all manner of catastrophe unless austerity plans are implemented. They have no shame and probably were not brought up very nicely!

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