Eliminating the great superannuation rip off

I am currently doing some work on the superannuation industry. It will become part of a larger project with some European colleagues in the coming month. But it is also part of work I am doing on the design of a new financial system based on the application of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) principles which will ensure that nations can pursue full employment and equity without severe disruptions caused by wayward financial markets. While this analysis is about Australia, the general principles are universally applicable and should be part of the reformed financial system that is adopted by all nations. Today I am concentrating on reforms to the way we structure and manage retirement incomes. But as one commentator noted last week, the sort of suggestions I have take us into “the realm of pure fantasy” given the vested interests that would have to be combatted. But ideas are worth something and as a research academic they are about all I have to offer.

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