Currency-issuing governments can keystroke their outstanding debt into oblivion

It is always a good sign when some fiscal deficit terrorist or another bleeds in the media that they’re not getting enough attention. Yesterday (October 12, 2016), the Forbes Magazine published an Op Ed (although I wouldn’t call the content educational in any way) by a commentator with the Twitter username @bthebudgetguy – The Deficit Was A Big, Big Loser In Sunday Night’s Debate Between Trump And Clinton. It is not the first time the author has entertained this theme. His bleat? That the current political farce that Americans call the Presidential election campaign is ignoring the state of the fiscal balance. Oh my! What a travesty. The two liars, masquerading as Presidential candidates, have the audacity to talk about other irrelevant things and leave the most irrelevant thing I can think of neglected. But what this tells me is that the millions that the likes of the Peter Peterson Foundation and its ilk have spent on trying to scare Americans witless about the fiscal debt and the US public debt situation has been wasted. That is something to celebrate in fact.

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