Right for wrong reason equals wrong

I read two articles in the last few days which tell me that the bond market traders generally do not understand the intrinsic characteristics of the monetary system and that IMF economists have even less of a clue. The bond traders attribute to themselves an air of importance that it not a reflection of their real role in the monetary system. However, my own profession continues to disgrace itself and is nothing more than a propaganda machine. The mainstream economists are too stupid to realise that their models and frameworks do not explain anything that we are interested in. But such is their position of dominance in the policy space that their neo-liberal grandstanding is given credit. It is embarrassing but worse it is dangerous. Anyway, sometimes a journalist comes to the correct conclusion but for the wrong reasons. While the conclusion is correct, the erroneous reasoning does as much damage by way of misinformation than if the overall conclusion was also wrong. It is a case of being right for wrong reason equals wrong.

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