Renewables now cheaper than fossil-fuel power generation

I do not have much time to write today. But this evening I am heading to a very exciting event in Newcastle run by – Sun Crowd. It is the first energy storage bulk-buy campaign in Australia and Newcastle is the first city to launch this initiative which will see hundreds of households go off the energy grid and rely on our copious supply of free solar energy. The bulk-buy campaign is a cooperative (not for profit) venture which allows many households to team up to achieve low cost purchases of storage batteries, panels (if you haven’t already got them) and receive technical advice to cut through the complexity of the technology. Our household, which already is ‘off the grid’ during daylight hours (thanks to our solar panels) will soon be able to store our excess electricity we generate during daylight hours and use it up at nights instead of exporting it into the national grid at ridiculously low prices (thanks to the power (excuse the pun) that the power companies have over state government policy. So we are off tonight to get a big mutha of a battery at discounted prices (due to the bulk buy) and free ourselves of the high charges the power companies. Our next step might be to set up a local community power company and generate free power co-operatively for all from the sun. So, pretty exciting. Today also marks the publication of Bloomberg’s – New Energy Outlook 2016 – which provides the latest data on the relative costs of solar/wind against coal fired power generation. The numbers are moving firmly in favour of renewables which should see many more households moving off coal-fired power in the next decade or so.

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