The PM should heed his own words

In the PMs xmas message he says that as Australians we enjoy “a prosperous and successful society, there are more Australians in work than ever before, our living standards are high and we are warmly regarded around the world” and that we should not to forget our less fortunate citizens.

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Debt worsens

Recently released ABS Statistics show that household debt has hit a record $815 billion but the growth is slowing as the property slowdown deepens.

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Welcome to the CofFEE blog

December 24 – things have gone quiet. But not at the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE). Today we launch our own CofFEE blog which will catalogue what we think of various things that happen in the economy, in politics and beyond. ankara escort çankaya escort çankaya escort escort bayan çankaya istanbul rus escort…
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