Today (February 13, 2025), MMTed releases Episode 11 in the Second Season of our Manga…
The Smith Family manga continues – Episode 10 is now available
Episode 10 in our new Manga series – The Smith Family and their Adventures with Money – is now available. We are approaching the climax for Season 1.
Have a bit of fun with it and circulate it to those who you think will benefit …
The Smith Family are a middle-class family living in a city somewhere in the world. The second-generation parents are university educated and have professional occupations. Their two kids attend the local public school.
In Episode 10, the Smith Family are in Mark Harding’s taxi on the way back home from the airport.
Mark tells the Smith’s that they can now take the new tunnel, which was built with national government investment under an old industrial site that has been transformed into a new green corridor park, a new public hospital, and some social housing.
Ryan is ecstatic because not only does he appreciate the marvellous engineering feat that the government accomplished but he also recognises the tunnel will save him heaps of time.
The kids are happy that there is a new park to play in.
Kevin points out that the benefits of the investment will be enjoyed by the whole family and community for years to come.
Elizabeth points at that the usual claims that such investment are just future tax burdens miss the point about all the benefits.
She doesn’t quite get the tax angle yet but is working on a better understanding.
Ryan, who in Episode 9, had been raving on about intergenerational tax burdens on his kids, forgets what he said in the previous sentence about the benefits he will enjoy, and starts harping on his usual theme that he will be paying more taxes.
Elizabeth points out his inconsistency.
Little Emma gets it right – “Now we will have a park to play in!”
, and provide other facilities (parks, etc) that benefit the whole family for years to come.
Season 1 has two more episodes to run and some new developments are coming in those episodes.
If you think you resemble any of the characters then either continue spreading MMT knowledge or get our textbook and get up to speed, depending on which character you might identify with.
If you have any feedback we will appreciate it, other than ‘this sucks’.
Next episode – Episode 10 – will be available on February 2, 2024.
That is enough for today!
(c) Copyright 2024 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.
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