The failure of economics – reality and language

Yesterday (March 7, 2017), I presented the Second Lecture in the 3rd Annual Joan Muysken Lecture at Maastricht University. Unfortunately, the recording from the First Lecture, which I delivered on Monday evening (March 6, 2017) was corrupted but I am told there was an alternative video recorded and I will make it available when I can. The first lecture was a public event and the presentation reflected that. The second lecture was delivered to academic staff and students and so the language was more pitched to an academic audience, although it should be generally accessible. There is a little noise interference at odd times, which I could not get rid of. The audio of the talk runs for 50 minutes and I have interleaved the slides from the lecture in with the sound.

Anyway, this is my blog for today. I am fairly tied up with commitments during this trip to Europe and also finishing some manuscripts (textbook and book with Thomas Fazi) that have to be sent to the publishers in the coming week or so.

Note: I edited the audio to get rid of noises (where I could) and pauses while people entered or left the room and other irrelevant aspects.

Running time: 50 minutes

Music Credits: Steel Pulse – Ku Klux Klan.


I am in Brussels today and then heading to Malta later today and will report from there on Monday. The Weekend Quiz will appear as usual on Friday.

That is enough for today!

(c) Copyright 2017 William Mitchell. All Rights Reserved.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Great lecture for a newcomer like me.

    I have never taken an economics course. Good to know what nonsense economists themselves are led to believe. I think the diplomatic approach you suggested at the end is much better than the ad hominem I have in mind. =) Its also great that you debunk them immediately so I don’t get poisoned by fake knowledge.

  2. Dear Bill,

    Do you have a link to that research showing that Economics graduates develop socio-pathological tendencies-sounds interesting stuff?

  3. Budget time in the UK-Hammond wheels out the usual meme ‘living within our memes’ , so no money for delapidated education system; NHS and infrastructure.

    Clearly Hammond is ‘living within his memes.’

  4. Living in the Netherlands I have been looking forward to attending your lecture, but unfortunate urgent personal circumstances forced me to forfeit this time. Thank you for posting the recording.
    To me, over the many years I have been casually following your blog, your insights and reasoning (well, not always, haha) have been a welcome oasis of common sense, in the seemingly ever extending desert of loudmouthed public stupidity regarding macro economics.

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