Cut, cap and demolish

I have very little blog time today (less than usual). I had a major piece to finish today and an Op Ed to write and some PhD drafts to read and I am floating around outside my office. But the Internet has allowed most nearly anyone (in the advanced employed world) to become a publisher and an owner of a site. It is not a very discriminating vehicle for quality control and in some sense that is probably a good thing because quality is often just an ideological construct. But there are some truly bizarre sites that breathe life courtesy of the Internet. One of the most bizarre is the Cut Cap and Balance Act home page with if I didn’t know otherwise I would assume was a parody on everything that is nonsensical about conservative free market economic thinking. The problem is that the site is deadly serious and that is truly scary. Cut, Cap and Balance is the new catch-cry. It is high farce but the proposers are actual legislators and they are dealing with real people. They should just retire and watch the Thunderbirds or something. Because all I can see in the CCB is Cut, cap and demolish – where prosperity and peoples’ life chances are the demolition target.

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