billy blog archive - 2004-06

Tuesday July 16, 2024 11:04:53

Posted: June 23, 2005

E2 down time

Dear CofFEE blog readers:

The CofFEE blog has been quiet in recent weeks for two reasons:

  • The server which hosts it has been re-built to allow for some new expansion we are implementing - such as, an on-line survey capacity. We are launching a national survey soon as part of one of our ARC grants and we needed to change some parts of the setup significantly;
  • CofFEE has been very busy with hosting workshops in recent weeks. Last week we hosted a three-day workshop as part of our role in the ARC Research Network - ARCRNSISS - which brought researchers in spatial analysis from all over Australia and beyond. Immediately following this workshop we hosted a workshop for the NZ Mayors Taskforce for Jobs and some Australian mayors. The aim was to promote the same sort of initiatives in Australia that have proven to be very successful in New Zealand. A full report of this workshop will be published here in the next few days.

So keep visiting as we get back to more normal transmission with our heads down in the office.

Blog entry posted by bill

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