billy blog archive - 2004-06

Tuesday July 16, 2024 10:32:10

Posted: December 01, 2006

High profile Job Guarantee support!

Take a look at this graphic which is borrowed from a Sydney Morning Herald article on November 29, 2006.

JG support

While the article by Steve Meacham is about the allegation that Churchill who was a secret fan of science fiction, "borrowed some of his biggest ideas and most telling phrases from his favourite author, H. G. Wells.", it is clear that both supported the Job Guarantee. The graphic above is an example of this. Accordingly Churchill gave a major speech early in his career (in 1906) which appeared to be taken from Well's earlier work A Modern Utopia (1905).

Churchill is alleged to have written to Wells just before making his speech and said "There is so much in your writing that stimulates my fancy that I owe you a great debt." Among those ideas is clearly a preference for a Job Guarantee as is depicted in the picture.

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